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  • +91-9840449777 / 044-48630601
  • consultidic@gmail.com
  • Mon to Sat ( 8:00am to 5:00pm ) - Sun ( 8:00am to 1:00pm )


  1. How do I know that I’m having gum disease?

Early symptoms:

* Gum bleeding while brushing and eating

* Red, swollen, tender gums

* Teeth sensitivity to sweets, cold and hot foods

* Bad breath


Advanced symptoms:

* Gum abscess (pus collection)

* Receding gums ( teeth appearing long)

* Loose or shaking teeth

* Change in bite


2. Is laser teeth cleaning safe?

Yes, Lasers are safe when using within safe wavelength and when the treatment is provided by professional with experience in laser dentistry. You will be given safety laser glasses to protect your eyes.

3.How long does it take to heal after laser gum surgery?


4. Is gum treatment will be painful?

During treatment: Local anesthesia will be given during treatment to ensure you are comfortable throughout the procedure.

After treatment: Laser reducing pain stimulation cells. You may have mild discomfort after treatment but not pain.


5.Do gums grow back after laser gum treatment?

No, the receded gums will not grow back. But there are treatments  you have to do to prevent the gum disease before becoming worse which will leads to teeth shaking and loss of teeth.

6.How much does laser gum treatment cost? Is it more expensive?

For full mouth laser gum treatment it cost 25000 – 30000 INR.

7.Is lanap surgery effective?


8. What are the benefits of laser gum therapy?

* No pain,

* No sutures

* Minimal bleeding

* Faster recovery and healing


9.How many sessions will laser gum treatment take? 

  • Laser gum treatment can be completed in single visit
  • Second visit may be needed based on individual situations


10.How long do I have to stay home after laser gum treatment?

* Laser gum treatment involves only minimal discomfort after treatment which enables the patient to continue daily routine immediately.


11.How do laser work in dentistry?

  • Laser works by the principle of regeneration rather than resection.
  • the focused laser light removes the infected tissue from underlying connective tissue
  • Laser not only limiting the bacteria but also kills them
  • It reduces pain stimulating cells (prostaglandins)
  • It creates direct attachment of gum tissue with teeth by sealing the periodontal pocket


12.Any followup required after laser gum treatment?

One checkup visit needed on 2nd day after gum treatment and regular followup once in 6 months or once in a year.


13.Will laser gum treatment be a permanent solution for my gum disease?

Laser gum treatment is not a permanent solution for gum disease. It’s a long term solution for gum disease to save the tooth provided if the patient maintaining oral hygiene properly and  coming for regular followups.


14.Can we do laser for gum bleeding?

Yes, by doing laser gum treatment properly you will get immediate relief from gum bleeding.


15.Should I take medicines after laser gum treatment?

Laser gum treatment will not require any medications. Mild dose of analgesic may be needed based on individual need.


16. Post lanap instructions:

       *Avoid extreme hot / cold beverages for 2-3 days.

        *As we have removed the tarter [calculus/dirt], you can able to feel the gap between teeth         

          [which   is the normal healthy gap], don’t be scared.

        *Mild sensitivity to hot or cold is normal after scaling [which is because of removal of dirt],

          which will subside in 2-3 days.

       *Brushing is advised twice daily.

       *Use mouth wash twice a day [Morning and night].

        *Calcium paste [which is been applied will be absorbed into teeth, which will reduce sensitivity  and prevent caries], kindly don’t eat or drink anything for one hour for the calcium paste to act.

         *Use tooth mousse [calcium paste] daily night after brushing, before going to bed. Use green pea size to apply all over the teeth [don’t wash the mouth after applying tooth mousse].

          *Check up after 2 days is must to check the brushing technique and oral hygiene maintenance.

          *Kindly visit every 3 months for hygiene maintenance check up [to prevent recurrence of periodontal gum problem].

          *Any discomfort kindly contact as early as possible.


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